Community Partners Program
Dear Community Partner,
As YBG prepares to restart active programming for school and youth basketball. We are seeking your support in cash or kind to aid our efforts in resocializing our student-athletes safely.
In our plans we have layout a transition phase to return to individually and team training prior to our season start at the end of June 2021.
During this period, we hope to team up with community partners to help school/youth teams to prepare to restart activities in compliance with the Ministry of Public Health protocols.
In addition to the 60,000 3-ply face mask that we are currently distributing, we would like to provide additional support for supplies and equipment which we are hoping to procure in a timely manner.
In this regard, we would be grateful for any assistance on this particular request at the earliest.
We continue to be grateful to you and other community partners for your year-round support for youth sport (basketball).
Chris Bowman