YBG Academy
YBG Academy
After several weeks of consultation, cleaning, sanitizing, preparing facilities, procuring resources(equipment), and building teams, we have to date rolled out 5 of 12 restart hubs.
Active Academies includes (hubs):
- Georgetown: Marian Academy (13-16 boys)- Fri. 3 to 5pm & Sat. 2 to 5pm.
Sportshall (14 - 18 girls)- Thurs. 3 to 5pm & Sat. 12 to 1pm.
Sportshall (17-19 boys)- Fri. 3 to 5pm & Sat. 1 to 3pm.
- Kwakwani/Arima: (13-16 boys, 14-18 girls, & 17 -19 boys)
- Berbice, NA: (13-16 boys & 17-19boys)
- East Coast, Golden Grove:(13-16 boys & 17-19boys)
All YBG restart requires pre-registration and pre-screening for onboarding, after which individuals are invited via a Whatsapp group link to join training.
Forms: 1 YBG Registration Form
2 Student Athlete COVID-19 Self Screening Survey
Learning to train differently...
The hope is to establish twelve (12) of these academies to allow for core student-athletes ages 13 to 19 to train and compete safely. These are mainly outdoor facilities, which makes it a bit safer.
Once school returns to in person instructions student-athletes could then return to their regular school team training schedule, while the academies will maintain a training schedule for elite players.
Sportshall (Girls 13-19/General) - Leona Kyte (592-629-6103)
Sportshall/TSC (U19 men)- Anton Fileen (592-679-2207)
Marian Academy (U16 boys)- Judah Stephney (592-639-9224)
East Coast Demerara (U16 & U19 men)- Willon Cameron (592-629-7485)
New Amsterdam (General)- Qwasi Joseph (592-682-5858)
Kwakwani/Arima (General)- Ann Gordon (592-663-2719)
While the conditions on the ground are not yet favourable for any large group session and competition, we have been able to operate safely now for just over 10 weeks with the strict adherence to safety protocols and measures.
Such measures includes:
Admin/protocol officer assigned to each local.
Observation of signs and procedures.
Washing and sanitation stations in and around facilities.
Temperature testing on entry.
Masking and social distancing for the duration of the activity.
Prompt pickup on completion of activity.
Records of the activity.